
Effective since: 15/07/2024

Operating with the following website (hereafter also: “Mimirex” “Platform” “Web-Page”) is regulated through Terms and Conditions outlined by Mimirex LLC (I/N: 406355224).

Please carefully read and understand the following terms and conditions, which regulate usage of Mimirex. By utilizing and/or visiting the website, or through using directly or indirectly the information published on the website, you confirm and fully agree with each and every term and condition, and accept that Mimirex reserves the full right to periodically alter, modify or change any term or any condition without consulting you. For any change to be effective, it has to be published on Mimirex website. By agreeing to Terms and Conditions which have been published on the website, you agree to the following:


  1. “Mimirex”- website(s) and applications which are owned and operated by Mimirex LLC (
  2. "Holding Company"- Holding company of Mimirex - by Mimirex LLC (I/N: 406355224)
  3. “Client” – a user on the website, who utilizes services provided by Mimirex, who either browses through and/or reserves and/or buys services through the website.
  4. “Expert” – a user on the website, who utilizes services provided by Mimirex, who either browses through and/or reserves and/or buys services through the website, or alternatively publishes information about their relevant knowledge, work experience, education etc. with the intent of making this information accessible for other users or website visitors, and/or with the intent to sell their services on the platform.
  5. “User” – individual and/or legal entity who/which utilizes services provided by Mimirex, is registered on the website as a user, and uses the services in the capacity of client and/or user. Any user is allowed to interact with Mimirex services in either or both capacities.
  6. “Announcement“ – An announcement and/or notice published by an expert, which describes service(s) which an expert can provide for “client(s).”
  7. „Resume / CV” – A user’s personal history (including, but not limited to, educational background, past or current work experience, certifications, information regarding past and/or current projects, linking information which is presented on other websites and can serve as proof of competence etc.) Any user is allowed to share their resume. Outside of a separate document which is traditionally interpreted as resume or CV by a reasonable third party, this definition also includes information provided by the user and filled in related fields on the website (including, but not limited to, educational background, past or current work experience, certificates, information regarding past and/or current projects, linking information which is presented on other websites and can serve as proof of competence etc.)
  8. „Additionally Presented Documents“ – Any and all documents which confirm the information provided through Resume/CV (including, but not limited to, diplomas, certificates, documents proving work experience, linking information which is presented on other websites and can serve as proof of competence etc.) Mimirex does not determine in advance a format through which the user is allowed to present additional documents. Presenting additional information is not a requirement for using the website, but rather serves the purpose of gaining verified status on the website.
  9. „Verification“ - confirmation of user’s Resume/CV (in accordance with the clauses described above), which is visible for other users. Verification process is manual and involves holding company staff verifying provided information based on additionally presented documents. Mimirex does not take responsibility for the quality of services provided by verified users, and cannot guarantee that verified status entails a degree of professional knowledge, educational credentials or relevant experience. Mimirex staff reviews the additionally submitted documents by surface-level review of provided documents and whether they correspond to what’s been entered for Resume/CV. Mimirex is not a legal entity which has the right or capability to audit or accredit a person, and users should not view the verification, verification process, or verified status as an endorsement, from Mimirex side, of somebody’s skill and capabilities. Mimirex reserves the right to deny verification to any user of the website, for any reason, at any time, regardless of presented documentation.
  10. „Platform“ – website(s) or application(s) operated by the holding company:
  11. 11. „User Profile“ – a separate digital space used by a user in the course of utilizing services provided by Mimirex.
  12. „Us“ “Our” - website(s) or application(s) operated owned by Mimirex LLC (
Main Terms and Conditions
  1. “Mimirex” is a company which connects clients and experts with each other.
  2. Holding company does not own the announcements that are published on the website. The announcements belong to experts, who are utilizing our services.
  3. Holding company is providing users (in the capacity of “clients”) with the service of accessing announcements (provided by “experts”) and provides the capability for them to request consultations and/or services listed, negotiate and purchase them within the restrictions of module(s) and interface(s) provided by Mimirex.
  4. After registration, holding company provides access to profile to the user.
  5. Information provided by you, should NOT:

    1. Be wrong, imprecise, and should in no way misrepresent the truth. It should never leave room for a reasonable third party or any user to be get the wrong idea about capabilities, experience, knowledge etc.
    2. Serve the purpose of fraud, lying, misrepresentation of any kind, or attempt to anyhow utilize and/or exploit trust placed in the platform, its users (generally) and you (as a specific user) in bad faith.
    3. Affect or infringe on, in any way, material or intellectual property of any third party, be it another user on the website, or any other person in the world.
    4. Contain material, which could defame, destroy or anyhow negatively affect personal or professional reputation of any third party.
    5. Contain material which discriminates based on religious faith, ethnic background, or any other group that would be or could be described as a minority group, or is a recognized minority group.
    6. Contain threats against anyone.
    7. Call for any sort of criminal activity. Criminal activity here includes not only major criminal activity, but even minor offenses and misdemeanors.
    8. Support, promote or anyhow provoke any form of terrorist or extremist activity.
    9. Contain pornographic material.
    10. Contain advertising material (except for specific material, service(s) and information which is intended to be directly purchased by other users in the course of intended use of the platform). It is prohibited to link to other websites in either your profile or in your announcement, unless specifically permitted by Mimirex in writing. For social media linking incorporated in Mimirex services, you can assume this permission to be granted.
    11. Be in violation of Georgian law in any way.
Scope of agreement for users who utilize the platform in the capacity of experts:

For experts, the scope of the agreement incorporates, in exchange for a price (which can either be a specified sum or a percentage, there are also services Mimirex provides to experts which are free), utilization of following Mimirex services:

  1. Uploading and/or publishing their announcements on the platform (free)
  2. Access to information about users who have published it on Mimirex (free)
  3. Utilizing various aspects of “profile” module functionality (free)
  4. Communicating with prospective clients (free)
  5. Selling their service(s) in any way or form on the website, and utilizing Mimirex infrastructure to render those services (paid)
Scope of agreement for users who utilize the platform in the capacity of clients:

For clients the scope of the agreement incorporates utilizing the following services provided by the platform, which can be either free or paid:

  1. Browsing through or discovering experts (free)
  2. Establishing communication and/or communicating with experts (free)
  3. Managing and accessing correspondence and/or inbox (free)
  4. Subscribing to or searching through specific categories (free)
  5. Purchasing service(s) from experts (paid)
  6. Paying money to experts, settling account (paid)
  1. In order to utilize Mimirex platform, users should go through registration process.
  2. When registering, users should fill out the following information:

    (In case the user is a legal entity):

    1. Name of legal entity
    2. Identification Number
    3. email
    4. Phone number of a contact person
    5. Password
    6. Any additional information requested by the holding company (if applicable)

    (In case of individuals, persons):

    1. First name and last name
    2. email
    3. phone number
    4. password
    5. Any additional information requested by the holding company (if applicable)
  3. A user should carefully read and agree to Terms and Conditions before finishing registration.
  4. Utilizing their personal profiles, users are allowed to use the following service(s) and/or functionality:
    1. Enter information about themselves
    2. Utilize their profile in the capacity of client and/or expert
  5. The responsibility for accuracy and truthfulness of the information provided in the profile falls fully on the user.
  6. User is fully responsible for any action taken within their profile. User is responsible and liable for any negative consequence, effect or damage, which is caused by providing to any third-party information entered on the website.
  7. Registration of Mimirex is free. You have three alternatives on how to register on the website: you can enter your phone number, on which you will receive the confirmation code, or you can register using Facebook and Google account(s).
  8. Never share your password or any other information that might give someone the ability to access your account or create security liability to any third party.
  9. You are fully responsible for any input created and any information provided on the platform, even if someone else is using/utilizing into your account. You, as a registered user, take on the responsibility to contact us immediately if there is a security breach and someone has gained unauthorized access to your account.
  10. If you have entered wrong and/or incorrect information about yourself, you are allowed to correct and modify it to better represent the truth at any time from your profile page.
  11. Mimirex does not store, hold or in any way has access to payment information that was utilized and/or provided for any transaction that takes place on the website. This means that we do not have such information as: your card number, card security, security code of your card etc.
  12. If you save your card information on the website, its actual content is stored on the servers of the bank, which is responsible for its security.
  1. After registering and verifying your account, a user can and should log into their account to access Mimirex service(s)
  2. Authorization is performed through universal identifiers of the user.
“user”, user’s age, announcements and guarantees
  1. 1. To utilize Mimirex, you should be at least 18 years old. If you do not meet this criterion, the usage of the platform is only permitted with written consent of a parent or legal guardian. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, a user, whether purchasing or selling service(s) is affirming and guaranteeing that:
    1. They are either an individual who is at least 18 and is capable of consenting to these terms and conditions, and/or a person at least 18 who has the legal right to consent to these terms and conditions on behalf of an organization and/or legal entity.
    2. They will not engage in any form of fraud, violence, threatening or intimidating behavior, and will not will, or mislead anyone, as well as never engage in any other illegal or prohibited behavior, either themselves or at the direction of any third party, either for personal purposes or against any other third party.
    3. They fully recognize the concept of self-expression, terms and conditions contained herein and any legal consequences arising from breaching them.
    4. They have been granted and/or has received full authority to utilize Mimirex website and services and fully comply with terms and conditions outlined in this document.
    5. They have read and understood these terms and conditions, as well as our privacy policy, and they are fully acceptable.
    6. All information presented is true and factual and no information or action of a user is or will ever be directed at misleading either Mimirex or any third party they meet and/or interact with through Mimirex.
    7. They agree that Mimirex is allowed to record any audio-visual or other form of communication (both incoming and outgoing) between users, to be used for: enhancing user experience, evidence for dispute resolution between users (if such a need arises), and other cases where law demands it.
    8. In case of breach of these terms and conditions, Mimirex is entitled to unilaterally demand compensation of damages and user is willing and accepts that they will compensate Mimirex, and they are solely responsible to protect Mimirex from any claims of damage(s), lawsuits, without limitation any claim of compensation against it, from legal proceedings and other responsibilities that might arise from a breach of agreement.
Payment(s) from users:
  1. Any user that uses Mimirex as an expert should set their hourly rate when publishing an announcement.
  2. Users using the platform as either clients or experts should voluntarily define the scope of service(s) that should be included in any individual agreement and what price will be paid between them in exchange for service(s). Users should recognize that compensation of Mimirex is contingent upon this agreement of payment (inclusive of all taxes prescribed by Georgian tax code, including, if applicable VAT).
  3. Compensation of Mimirex is calculated as a percentage (%) of total price of a transaction and the fee taken by Mimirex will be clearly visible at the moment of order to the user(s).
  4. A user who utilizes the platform as a client pays the total amount when agreement is reached (both the expert and Mimirex fees) with their bank account – in a cashless form.
  5. The holding company is taking responsibility to make sure that the payment system is operational and if there is any problem with it, it will try to resolve the issue(s) as soon as practicable.
  6. The amount that experts generate through their work will accumulate in their profile. Withdrawing the proceeds is not directly connected to when the service was provided. A user can withdraw the amount from their profile on every 1st and 15th day of each month and require(s) at least 50 GEL on balance for withdrawal.
Creating and sharing an announcement on the platform
  1. A user, after registration, can create an announcement which will be shared publicly on the platform, as an offer of service(s) to other user(s). Additionally, a user will be allowed to upload and update information regarding their credentials as a CV/Resume or filling out relevant fields. In case a user performs these actions, they will be considered a, in addition to a “client” also an “expert”.
  2. A user MUST provide truthful and accurate information when providing their Resume/CV.
  3. A user is allowed to edit and/or update their CV/Resume at any time.
  4. A user MUST purchase or sell service(s) that were found on the platform. This means that if a client was found through Mimirex, an expert is obligated to sell to this client through Mimirex and if a client found an expert on this platform, they are obligated to buy services through the platform as well. In order to facilitate this process, platform ensures that there is a working payment system, a working calendar for scheduling purposes, a system that enables textual communication between users and generation and provision of a link for the call.
  5. A user is allowed to make their profile public, in which case other users on the platform will be able to search for it and access its Resume/CV contents through the search and database module(s).
  6. A user has the ability to additionally upload an introductory video on their profile, the length of which should not exceed 2 minutes.
  7. A user can download the CV generated on the website in a pdf format.
  8. For an announcement to be published, it must contain at the least the following elements/information:
    a) type of announcement; b) field in which the user wants to be considered an expert; c) description of expert’s capabilities; d) the date of announcement and its duration; e) a schedule of when the user is available as an expert to provide service(s); f) the price (per minute, per hour, per day etc.) based on the specifics of the announcement;
  9. When publishing an announcement, a user determines the publishing date, duration, and price. An announcement might not have an expiry date and remain on the platform indefinitely.
The content of an announcement, limitations and guarantees:
  1. A user is responsible for the contents of an announcement and a holding company cannot be held liable and/or responsible for the content of any announcement on the platform.
  2. A user is obligated to follow the following rules when creating and/or publishing an announcement:
    1. An announcement should not contain any derogatory, harmful, discriminatory, or threatening language.
    2. An announcement should not contain any information that could defame or negatively affect the reputation of any other third party.
    3. An announcement should not contain any untruthful information or lies.
    4. An announcement should be guided by generally accepted ethical norms.
    5. An announcement should not breach or use the intellectual property of any third party.
    6. An announcement should not be in breach of laws and norms prescribed by Georgian law.
  3. The holding company is responsible for gradually monitoring the information published on the website.
  4. The holding company retains the right to delete any announcement unilaterally, which it considers to be in violation of terms and conditions.
  5. The holding company is not required to pay an expert for service(s) provided in breach of terms and conditions.
Ratings system, hierarchy of announcement and algorithm:
  1. Mimirex webpage has a rating system, through which the users can rate and/or grade each other. A client is permitted to grade an expert only when there has been an exchange of services between them that can be verified by the platform. Ratings system includes both a specific rating system where a user grades the expert with either points or starts, as well as textual feedback, where they can explain in detail what they thought about the service(s) they purchased or their experience with the expert.
  2. Using the grading system, Mimirex generates the overall score of a user, which will be used as a tool (though not the only tool) for generating the hierarchy of who appears first when users search for experts.
  3. Mimirex retains the right, in case of and based on a negative review, to either temporarily or forever limit an ability of a user to utilize the platform as an expert.
  4. Mimirex algorithm is proprietary and non-public, and users are not entitled to know how exactly Mimirex determines how users are sorted in search.
  5. Mimirex retains the right to unilaterally, and regardless of score/grade, manually change the sorting position and/or hierarchy of any user in search.
  6. Users are not allowed to manipulate, hide, or change their ratings in any way.
  7. Mimirex retains the right to highlight and/or draw attention to specific reviews without user input.
  8. Mimirex retains the right to hide and/or not show specific reviews, due to them being outdated (in this case, this standard will be utilized for all users in the same way).
Intellectual Property

Mimirex, its content, its structure and its design are copyrighted by Mimirex LTD. Exclusive copyright and/or patent covers all aspects registered or copyrighted by the holding company, including branding and any objects that fall under copyright and intellectual property laws. The intellectual property and authorship (©) rights extend to all information and content (including products and services) on Mimirex and platform(s), application(s) and websites in its possession. It is prohibited to use, without prior written consent from Mimirex LTD, any information, registered or unregistered as intellectual property, that is published on Mimirex, including, but not limited to: any branding materials, graphical elements, pictograms, images and photos, or textual materials. This includes publishing any such information on social media of any form.

  1. If you agree to the terms and conditions, we are hereby granting you the free, non-exclusive license to access Mimirex website. You are not permitted to transfer this license. If you choose to disable and/or delete your registration, your license will be revoked.
  2. While utilizing the license, you are not permitted to decompile, reverse engineer, or use any other method or tool available to you gain access to the code and database(s) of the platform. You are also not permitted to in any way attempt to or impede the work of the platform or gain unauthorized access of any data contain within the platform, website, application, or server(s), operated either in-house or the cloud by Mimirex.
  3. At the moment when license is revoked, you must stop utilizing Mimirex application(s), website(s) and platform(s).
  1. The holding company does not guarantee that it will provide uninterrupted or mistake-free service to its users. If any error, mistake, or issue is detected, our team will attempt to correct it as soon as practicable. Please take into consideration that service(s) on the platform, or the platform itself might sometimes be temporarily unavailable due to technical issues and/or problems.
  2. Mimirex, its representatives, its board, executives, management, or staff are not liable or responsible for any damages you incur on the assumption of uninterrupted and/or mistake-free provision of service(s).
  3. Financial responsibility on the side of the holding company, in case of breach of contract, is capped at 1000 GEL. A user will be able to demand financial remuneration only in case Mimirex will be in breach of contract.
  4. The holding company is allowed to suspend your license if you breach the terms of service, or if we believe your access to the company might be damaging to Mimirex in any way.
  5. The holding company does not guarantee that publishing an announcement will lead to clients. Likewise, the holding company does not guarantee that purchasing a service for an expert will result in true and/or perfect product and/or service.
  6. Users (utilizing the platform as expert(s) and client(s)) reach agreement between each other and contents and terms of the agreement are solely dependent upon them.
  7. The holding company is not responsible for the illegal activity of its registered users, their performance level, and their actions (past, present or future). It is also not responsible for misleading and/or untruthful actions of its users.
Changes in Terms and Conditions

When making significant changes to this agreement, users will receive a notification either through the website and/or email. If a user chooses to continue using the website, it will be considered an automatic, affirmative acceptance of new terms and conditions.

Please take great care to read our terms and conditions and any changes to it as soon as they are published on our website.

Dispute Resolution

In case of disputes, the parties agree to mediate through a qualified mediation institute/center. In case no resolution can be reached, parties can refer to Tbilisi City Court.

Please note that the English version of the privacy policy is a translation from the original Georgian. If a conflict arises between two versions, Georgian language version will be considered superior.


In case of detecting any suspicious activity or circumstance, including but not limited to, somebody asking your personal information with our name, finding a duplicate and or imitation of our website, or in case of any questions or comments regarding these terms and conditions, or if you find someone to be in breach of these terms and conditions, or if you have any technical issue when using the website, please contact us at: